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Kinesiology  ..muscle testing for health & energy balance


I'm trained in Health Kinesiology. We use gentle muscle testing to ask your body what it needs to return to better functioning, improving health and well-being. We believe that your body is trying its best to achieve this at all times, kinesiology helps to release the energetic blocks to this amazing process.
Clients come with a wide range of concerns from low energy, stress or lack of motivation to more specific symptoms such as migraines, allergies, digestive problems or anxiety. Using muscle testing each session is individual for you.  Always working to the highest goals to bring you the most optimal and beneficial changes.
Thursdays at The Rowan Tree, Newcastle Emlyn
Fridays at the Better Health & Wellbeing Hub, Carmarthen
I also practice kinesiology online ..try a 30 minute consultation and taster to see if you like this way of working 
To book please contact Lucy 07717 212112

Unfurling with vitality

I love this image of bracken unfurling in Spring. You can see the natural vitality and energy, pushing to reach its goal. We are all born with this within us, it's still there, the limitless potential we had as children.



Kinesiology is all about releasing life's knocks, the blocks to our health, vitality and achievement. When we're in energetic balance, your amazing body does the rest!


Lucy Thompson

Having 20 years experience as a complementary therapist, I am dedicat​ed to helping you to become  cleare​r, lighter, happier & healthier


    Lucy Thompson  

    Kinesiology   ðŸ’š   Reflexology   ðŸ’š   Reiki

  07717 212112

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